Imaamat of a ma'zoor

Q: Since last few months there’s minor fluid leaking from my anus, as soon as I clean myself and make wudhu, it leaks again. I think I qualify to be a Ma’zoor.

1. I have lead some prayers at home being a ma’zoor, are my prayers valid? If not, do I have to repeat them and inform my friends who prayed behind me. I don’t remember some persons who prayed behind me.

2. Can I offer Nafl Fasts in this state?

3. As the wudhu expires at the end of every salah time. Is it ok if I perform wudhu 5 mins before Maghrib as the jama’at time starts right after Adhan. I perform wudhu for Tahajjud Salah (20 mins before Fajr), do I have to perform fresh wudhu after Fajr time begins?


1. If you are ma`zoor then you will have to inform those who performed namaaz behind you in that state.

2. Yes.

3. You can only do the wudhu for Maghrib after sunset.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.

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Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)

Q: As I’m in the state of Ma’zoor due to consistent exit of minor impure fluid from my body. Do I have to wash my clothes before every wudhu. The stain marks are very lightly visible on my undergarments, thermal pants and jeans too. It’s becoming very difficult for me to wash all 3 garments before every wudhu (taking lot of time). Is it ok if I just clean my body and make wudhu and at the end clean my clothes? If not, can I just sprinkle some water on my garments and move on for wudhu, although it will not clean the impurity just by sprinkling water. It’s becoming hectic for me to engage in any wudhu requiring acts. 

A: If it comes out continuously and even during the salaah it will come out then you will not need to change or wash off the impurity. However, you may place a thick piece of cloth within your undergarment and let the impurity come onto it. Thereafter, you can discard of it at the time of salaah.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
