Calling oneself a Deobandi


1. I wanted to know your opinion on calling oneself a 'Deobandi'. I know that there is nothing wrong in follwoing the Ulama of Deoband and that is why I say that "I follow the Ulama of Deoband". However, I don't understand why people call themselves 'Deobandi' as it has become like name-calling now and although it might not be intended, it is causing uncessary groups and sects in Islam. The Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) told us to be united as Muslims. These days, no one calls themsleves Muslims, they call themselves 'Deobandi', 'Barelvi' 'Salafi', etc. Please give me some guidance on this name calling and what the correct way of referring to oneself.

2. if someone asks you what kind of Hanafi Muslim you are, what would you reply with? Would you call yourself a 'Deobandi'?


1. Don't pay attention to this.

2. Deobandi is also right.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
