Discharge after passing urine

Q: I suffer with bad thoughts that come into my mind during istinja. I always wipe and check to see if discharge came out and would see white discharge. It would worry me if mani came out and so I would check after passing urine and before cleaning. Sorry for this amount of detail. Because I used to feel discharge coming out I would check again and again.

1. Should I stop checking and always consider it to be mazi and not mani?

2. Also, in order for it to be mani, shouldn't the volume of the amount be a lot. I always feel it's a tiny bit. That's why I've taken it to be mazi as it's time consuming and bringing back waswas in to my life.

A: The discharge that comes out after urinating is not mani.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.

الودي ما يخرج بعد الاغتسال من الجماع وبعد البول وهو شيء لزج كذا فسره في الخزانة والتبيين (البحر الرائق 1/65)

(قوله: أو ودي) بمهملة ساكنة وياء مخففة عند الجمهور وحكى الجوهري كسر الدال مع تشديد الياء قال ابن مكي: ليس بصواب وقال أبو عبيد: إنه الصواب وإعجام الدال شاذ ماء ثخين أبيض كدر يخرج عقب البول نهر (رد المحتار 1/165)

وأما الودى فهو رقيق يجيء بعد البول (الأصل للشيباني 1/47)

Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
