A daughter In-law intends to travel to the Haramain Sharifain with her father in law (but with out the husband). Is this permissible?
Is it permissible for the mother In-law to travel to the Haramain Sharifain with the son in law?
At this time where there is overwhelming fitnah everywhere, one should safeguard oneself from doing such actions which will be the cause for people entertaining suspicions and doubts regarding himself. Hence, it is not advisable for the daughter in-law to travel alone with her father in-law. She should be accompanied by her husband.
Same as above.
قال محمد رحمه الله تعالى ويجوز له أن يسافر بها ويخلو بها يعني بمحارمه إذا أمن على نفسه فإن علم أنه يشتهيها أو تشتهيه إن سافر بها أو خلا بها أو كان أكبر رأيه ذلك أو شك فلا يباح له ذلك (الفتاوى الهندية 5/328)
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