Buying one's own house


1. I want to ask if it is sunnah to live in your own home, bought by oneself. Does this bring more barkah in the home? Should one prioritize this as an ultimate goal?

2. We have been married for 2 decades and faced a lot of financial challenges for various environmental factors, not our own doing. Alhumdullilah. By blessings of Allahs generosity and divine miracle we have saved a small amount sufficient to buy a small investment property to put out for rent. Because we have 3 children, we need much bigger space and more funds to buy a property to accommodate our own actual family.

If there is an option to rent for one's own family living in a place with facilities for children such as shared pool, basketball etc., and make a small commercial investment elsewhere from where we can get rental fees to support our living arrangement is this a better decision?


1. This is also good and if it was given to you as a gift then it is also good. The goal is Allah Ta`ala and His pleasure. Thereafter be kind towards people. The idea of a home is to get it in a way that is approved by shariah and you have acquired it with respect.

2. It is best to have a free hold property. And if that is going to be more difficult then you may take a home on rent.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
