Q: A person went to a city intending that he will stay there for 14 days and was performing qasar salaah alone until he noticed his wife and mother were performing full salaah. He told them that their stay in the city was 14 days and they should perform qasar salaah.
1. Is it correct?
2. I also heard that the intention of a man is counted if he is with his family. Is it correct?
1. Yes.
2. If they are travelling with him, then since they are his subordinates and regard themselves to be subject to his decision during the journey, his intention will be counted.
And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
(والمعتبر نية المتبوع) لأنه الأصل (لا التابع كامرأة) وفاها مهرها المعجل (الدر المختار 2/133)
ومن خرج مسافرا صلى وكعتين إذا فارق بيوت المصر ولا يزال على حكم السفر حتى ينوي الإقامة في بلد خمسة عشر يوما فصاعدا فيلزمه الإتمام وإن نوى الإقامة أقل من ذلك لم يتم (مختصر القدوري صـ 38)
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