Taqdeer changing with dua

Q: What is destiny and what part of it can be changed by our duas? It is said that dua changes our Qadr if Allah wills. But what part of our destiny is unchangeable and what part can be changed? How much of Qadr can be changed by our duas?


Taqdeer, at times, refers to the complete, absolute and all-encompassing knowledge of Allah Ta'ala. Allah Ta'ala has knowledge of everything, whether relating to the past, present or the future. Hence, this type of taqdeer that refers to the complete, absolute and all-encompassing knowledge of Allah Ta'ala can never change.

However, when the Hadith speaks about the taqdeer which can be changed through dua, and a person's life being extended through carrying out good deeds or obedience to parents, then this taqdeer refers to that which is written on the lawh-e-mahfooz.

The taqdeer that is written on the lawh-e-mahfooz can be conditional. For example, it is written on the lawh-e-mahfooz that a person will live for fifty years. However, if he makes dua or does any good deed, then Allah Ta'ala can change his taqdeer that is written on the lawh-e-mahfooz and grant him a longer life.

Nevertheless, Allah Ta'ala has full knowledge of whether the person will make dua or carry out the righteous deed. In essence, the taqdeer that is written on the lawh-e-mahfooz can change but the taqdeer that refers to the complete, absolute and all-encompassing knowledge of Allah Ta'ala can never change.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
