Sitting for tashahhud in the first rakaat of Zuhr Salaah and making sajdah sahw


1. I was reading 4 rakaats fardh of Zuhr Salaah. After the first rakaat, I sat down and started reading tashahhud. I realised my error, but I completed the tashahhud, stood up and after the second rakaat did the tashahhud again and completed the rest of my salaah as normal. I did a sajdah sahw at the end, but I didn't recite the tasbeeh in the sajdahs. Is my salaah valid?

2. Previously, I was also reading 4 rakaat fardh of another salaah. In the second rakaat, after reading Surah Fatiha, I untied my hands to go in ruku. I quickly realised my mistake, tied my hands again and read a surah and continued the rest of the salaah as normal. Was I meant to read sajdah sahw in this situation?


1. Your salaah is valid. However, in such a situation, upon realizing your mistake, you should immediately stand up for the second rakaat and not complete reciting the entire tashahhud.

2. What you did was correct. Sajdah sahw is not compulsory in such a situation.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
