The knowledge, wisdom and love of Allah Ta`ala is beyond our understanding and comprehension

Q: I am contacting you to seek help.

A friend of mine is losing her imaan, she has been through a lot of hardship in her life and is losing hope. There are some questions she has that I am unqualified to answer so I thought you could answer them for me.

The questions she has are "Why has Allah allowed suffering to the innocent?" "Why did Allah not put us in Jannah in the first place instead of sending us to the Dunya?" "Allah says He loves us more that 70 mothers could, but He allows us to suffer even though we call on Him for help and relief, what can explain that?" "It is said that no one will enter Jannah without imaan, then what about the people who have never heard of Islam?"

Please assist me in bringing her back on the right path. I will be ever grateful. 

A: The knowledge, wisdom and love of Allah Ta`ala is beyond our understanding and comprehension. Our love and understanding is not even a drop compared to the broad ocean of knowledge, wisdom and love of Allah Ta`ala. There are some things that we will understand and some things that are beyond our reasoning. Hence leave His work and do your work. Your work is to worship and obey him and surrender yourself to Him. To the extent that you will surrender yourself to Him, the mysteries and secrets of life will unfold.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
