Pre school children being made to wear a graduation cap and robe on their awards day

Q: As is the trend in some pre schools, the children are made to wear a graduation cap and robe on their awards day to say they have completed grade R.

Some say the concept of the hat and robe is one of Egyptian/Islamic origin and has Islamic connotations.

1. Is it permissible to make the grade R students of an Islamic school wear the hat and robe?

2. What would be an appropriate, Islamic way of acknowledging their achievements?

3. Further, is it permissible for Muslims who qualify with degrees at universities to wear the above?

Please advise regarding the above.

A: Don't encourage this.

In our understanding they have a long way to go, and Allah Ta`ala knows what their future will be. All the teacher should do is encourage them and make the parents feel that they have worked hard. Try to cut out the frills and show. More than the show is work and inculcating good values and conduct. If our energies are going to be spent just on the show then unfortunately good values and good conduct may be compromised. If it is not seen immediately it may show out in time.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)