Fulfilling a vow regarding doing a certain action

Q: I promised 10 nafal everyday if Allah fulfills my wish. If I pray those nafals after 12 a.m would it be ok or would it count in the nafal of the next day? Like I pray those nafal after isha and it often gets above 12 while praying because I have waswaas regarding salah. Do I have to repeat these nafal? I always prayed after isha so it means that technically if I prayed on for example on 12 December it would actually be counted as the nawafil of the 13 and the nawafil of the 13th will be considered as the nawafil of the 14th so it would still complete the 10 days.

A: The principle in regard to fulfilling a vow regarding doing a certain action (e.g. performing salaah or giving charity) is that even if one restricted the vow to a certain day, then it can be carried out on another day and one's vow will be fulfilled (even though it is better to do it on the day one specified). Hence, in this case, your vow will not be broken by you performing the nafl salaah the following day.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
