Published 1 year ago
Last updated 1 year ago
Q: I bought a phone to sell from someone but when they came to sell it while I'm paying them they say the phone is on contract and they have a way of wiping the name of the person who took the contract off from the database etc. so they don't have to pay etc.
Afterwards I realized it's like stolen so I messaged the person and told him I want to return it but he's now insisting that the contract will be paid for monthly.
What do I do? I sold the phone now, what do I do with the money from it? Is it halal for me to use or must give it away in charity?
A: If there is evidence that it is a stolen phone then it has to be returned, and see how it can be returned to the owner.
And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
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