Being patient in one's condition

Q: My wife and I are both working and we are together trying to make our lives better. I am from Pakistan and I am not earning too much like I can take care of them strictly speaking but I can't save any money. We have 1 kid and another on the way In Sha Allah.

Together we are trying to save money but my wife insists that it's my responsibility to take care of the house which I admit. However I'm afraid that I alone cannot keep up our way of life or have any savings and even get our own house (I am living with my parents in joint family). She keeps saying this and it hurts me a lot since I only asked for a portion of her salary which I use to spend on her and the kids and still it makes me feel like a villain and being reminded again and again.

I need your guidance about this problem.

A: Whatever permissible means could be used for the preservation of your deen and good healthy Islamic values then don't hesitate in doing that. Further, empires are not built overnight. All these things, wealth and prosperity come with time. Be patient and may Allah Ta`ala help you.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)