Leaving out sins because of fear of people

Q: Is committing sin and not having fear of Allah but having fear of people or to follow our desires considered to be shirk? Kindly answer all 3 different scenarios.

1. If we commit sins like listening to music, giving bribes or consuming riba secretly when we donate and have people watch us because we fear for our reputation, will it be considered shirk?

2. If we commit all such sins due to our weakness for money or for our love of listening to music yet we know that it is wrong because shariah does not permit these sins, will it be considered shirk because we are following our desires over following the commands of Allah Ta'ala.

3. If we stop consuming riba because government disallows it not because Allah has forbidden it, will it be considered shirk?


1 - 2. Though this is not Shirk, but these are major sins, and one will receive severe punishment in the Hereafter for committing them. Hence, one should not only leave out the sins when people are viewing him, but one should leave out the sins entirely and beg Allah Ta'ala's forgiveness for committing them.

3. If one believes that these sins are haraam, but due to weakness in Imaan, one commits them, one will not come out of the fold of Islam. However, it is really shameful for one to leave out a sin because of the government stopping it, but not because Allah Ta'ala has prohibited it.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
