Following rulings of Shias

Q: As Muslims we believe that the message of the Quran is clearly and fully conveyed to us all but when we come across the ayah of wudhu in Surah Maidah and start contemplating upon it, we see opposite opinions of Shia and Sunnis over this very fundamental issue of wudhu. Both of these schools know Quran very well and also jurisprudence at large. From this very clear book and guidance, the highly knowledgeable people of two sects reach opposite results when the Qur'an wants to convey only one instruction i.e., whether to wash or wipe the feet. We cannot decide which of these is true. We also know that washing feet is obligatory in hanafi and other sunni school of thought. 

So as a truth seeker, what is the yardstick to decide which one is right while Quran tells us that Quran has conveyed clear messages which seems to be not understandable even by the highest people. 

Under these circumstances, how can I reach the true essence of Quran? Sadly saying, there are many other basic issues for which these two sects infer the opposite meanings/explanations. Please guide me logically.

A: The truth seeker will ultimately find the people of the truth and he will be able to discern the people of truth and the people of falsehood. He will find that shiasm is based on taqiyyah, and taqiyyah is holy hypocrisy. So when it is based on lies and hypocrisy then no sensible person can say that this is a valid school of thought.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)