Published 7 months ago
Last updated 7 months ago
Q: If a woman experiences haidh in Madeenah a day before leaving for Makkah, how should she continue her Umrah and what is the masaa'il regarding donning her ihram and performing Umrah?
A: Before passing the meeqat, she should enter into the state of ihraam by making the niyyat of entering into ihraam for umrah and reciting the talbiyah. Thereafter, she should remain in the state of zikr and continue reciting the talbiyah softly. However, it is impermissible for her to enter the musjid-e-haraam in the state of haidh. Therefore, after her haidh terminates, she should enter the musjid-e-haraam and perform her umrah.
And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
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