Performing tawaaf with long intervals in between the rounds

Q: Is it permissible to separate tawaf rounds due to pain? 

Example, I did a few rounds of tawaf one day and a few another day until the seven rounds of tawaf have been completed? 

In the above mentioned situation, if a person is unable to do complete seven rounds of tawaf walking in one go due to pain but can do it separately like the above mentioned situation, will it be permissible for him to do complete seven rounds of tawaf in a wheelchair?

A: The Fuqaha explain that it is sunnah muakkadah (an emphasised sunnah) to complete the entire tawaaf at one time. If one broke up the tawaaf with long intervals between the rounds of tawaaf, then this will be regarded as makrooh and against the sunnah. However, if one had stopped in between the tawaaf to relieve himself or to perform the fardh salaah or to make wudhu, then it will be permissible and not against the sunnah. 

Hence, if one experiences pain and it is difficult for one to do the tawaaf walking then it is permissible for him to do the tawaaf in a wheelchair. Doing the complete tawaaf in a wheelchair at one time is better than separating one tawaaf over a few days due to one's condition. However, if one separated the tawaaf and completed it over two or more days, then the tawaaf will be valid but it will be makrooh to carry out the tawaaf in this manner.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)