Dealing with people who tarnish your image

Q: How to deal with people who lie about you, tarnish your image, hurt you and deprived you of your basic rights. They constantly taunt you and pick faults in you? How to stay firm in faith when you see a liar and deceptive people to be successful in life while truthful and honest ones suffer? 

Is continuously praising oneself and thinking low of others permissible in Islam?

A: Why should you be deprived of the merits and the rewards of the hereafter for their impoliteness? You should be polite and make dua for them. Many people had escalated to the higher ranks on account of their politeness and maintaining a clean and a good heart. 

It is best not to go too deep into these types of matters. It is possible that the full story may not be before you. And even if the full story is before you then you are not answerable for them in the presence of Allah Ta`ala. The system of the world is different to the system of the hereafter. You will see the wealthiest and most influential among the kuffaar. Though they are in kufr, they receive influence and wealth. 

This is impermissible. It is a major disaster.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)