Q: A person is interested in Islam but he is against slaughtering for Eid and even just paying for slaughtering the animal. He respects veganism more than anything. So is there an alternative where he could just make a donation or something or just not be involved in anything related to slaughtering once he reverts?
A: This is shallow thinking and a corrupt concept, because at some point, the one who is stronger takes the life of that which is weaker. If you are not doing it then someone else is doing and even if you are not involved in the process then you are consuming it; if it is not animals then it is plants.
And modern science has proven that plants have life. So how are you going to sustain your life? The only difference is that in one you are spilling blood and plants do not have blood. Therefore, this thinking is backwards and naive. Such a person needs to correct his thinking.
And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
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