Correcting one's intention and actions

Q: Tabligh jamaat says that our jaan, our maal, our waqt is not ours. All is for Allah. 

We get the impression that all is for Allah. 

So how much is ours and for our needs and use for our kids? Please clarify this quote from.

A: We and our children are also for Allah Ta`ala. All that is required is to correct the niyyat and understand how to make yourself and your children for Allah Ta`ala. For example, you program your time with the right niyyat, you do your business with the correct niyyat, that it is the command of Allah Ta`ala to acquire halaal sustenance. 

Likewise, in your business operation you will do everything as Allah Ta`ala wants; you will guard your eyes, be honest in your dealings, you will ensure that your namaaz is done on time, there is no deception or abuse and no cheating involved. 

And with regards to your children, you will guide them on the sunnat, get them to recite the Quraan Shareef, engage in taleem of the recommended books, zikr and dua. This is what is meant by giving everything to Allah Ta`ala.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)