Q: When entering into ihraam and reciting the talbiyah, can one recite the talbiyah in one’s mind?
A: No. Talbiyah has to be recited with one’s tongue, and in a manner that one can hear himself.
1) In order for one to enter into ihraam, it is a precondition for one to make the niyyat of entering into ihraam (whether verbally or in one’s mind) as well as to verbally recite the talbiyah . If one makes the niyyat but does not verbally recite the talbiyah, one will not enter into ihraam.
2) If one does not recite the talbiyah, but recites any other zikr in place of the talbiyah, then this will suffice for one to enter into the state of ihraam.
And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
وشرط التلبية أن تكون باللسان فلو ذكرها بقلبه لم يعتد بها وكذا لو صحح الحروف بلسانه ولم يسمع نفسه لم يعتد بها على الصحيح (غنية الناسك صـ 74)
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