Eating from the Money of One who Works in a Bank

Q: My father works in a bank. He is however a pious man, I am his married daughter. Is his salary halaal for me when i go to stay at his home, is eating there ok for me?

A: If the major portion (i.e. more than 50%) of a person’s income is through Haraam, then it will be impermissible for one to eat from such a person’s wealth. If your fathers work at the bank is of a permissible nature, e.g. security guard or cleaner etc. his income will be halaal (though this type of employment is still undesirable). However if he is providing interest bearing loans to clients or anything else that is impermissible in Shariah, his income will be impermissible.

آكل الربا وكاسب الحرام أهدى إليه أو أضافه وغالب ماله حرام لا يقبل ولا يأكل ما لم يخبره أن ذلك المال أصله حلال ورثه أو استقرضه وإن كان غالب ماله حلالا لا بأس بقبول هديته والأكل منها كذا في الملتقط (الفتاوى الهندية 5/343)

Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)