Things of Jannah which were used in creating our beloved Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam)


  1. I heard that Qadi Ayadh R.A has wrote in Muahib that Prophet Muhammad Sallal lahu alaihe wasallam was made from 8 things, the  soil of Madinah Sharif and 7 things from Jannah, could you please mention the 7 things of Jannah which was used in creating our beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallal lahu alaihe wasallam?
  2. Was our beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallal lahu alaihe wasallam made from the light of Allah Taala?


  1. We have not come across such a narration.
  2. The Sihaah Sittah do not contain this hadeeth. Hence, these types of Ahaadeeth should not be made the topic of discussion.

Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)