Signs of Qiyaamah

Q: Near the coast of Japan there has been an earthquake as you all know! Experts say that this will lead to a formation of new island. If you remember that prophet Mohammad PBUH had once quoted that DAJJAL is imprisoned on a island towards the west. Japan is the first land to receive sunlight and to see the dawn in the world. Before the coming of Imam Mehdi (A.S) it was quoted that the year before his arrival will face solar n lunar eclipse which has already occurred twice this year! There are more signs which can be seen around! Is the judgment day closer! Offering Salaah is one of the most necessary work in all our lives while straining away from all the wrong path! This is a wakeup call for all the Muslims! Let's unite and face the signs together and be happy to get rid of this slavery life of ours!!

Our prophet (SAW) told us that there would be 3 major earthquakes before Judgement day.  One in the east, one in the west, and one in Arabia. There has already been one in Japan ;(East)and one in Haiti;(West). It’s so very scary.  What have we done to deserve a place in Jannah?  -we watch TV, swear, talk back & give attitude to elders, we watch things that we are not supposed to watch, some don't even dress modestly. We listen to music & spend time learning the lyrics, but why not learn the Quraan? It's probably because we don't have enough Imaan (faith) in us. We need to get rid of bad habits and get onto the good ones.

A: Since the hadeeth does not specifically mention the locations of such events we cannot comment on the authenticity of such information.

عن حذيفة بن أسيد الغفاري قال : اطلع النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم علينا ونحن نتذاكر . فقال : ما تذكرون ؟ قالوا : نذكر الساعة . قال : إنها لن تقوم حتى تروا قبلها عشر آيات فذكر الدخان والدجال والدابة وطلوع الشمس من مغربها ونزول عيسى بن مريم ويأجوج ومأجوج وثلاثة خسوف : خسف بالمشرق وخسف بالمغرب وخسف بجزيرة العرب وآخر ذلك نار تخرج من اليمن تطرد الناس إلى محشرهم. وفي رواية : نار تخرج من قعر عدن تسوق الناس إلى المحشر . وفي رواية في العاشرة وريح تلقي الناس في البحر . رواه مسلم (مشكاة 472)