
Q: Please can you inform me of the meaning of the below dream. I had this dream after fajar that it is Ramadan and I am fasting. It is as if my parents have invited my ex husbands brother for Iftar. I am sat in the living room waiting for him to arrive. I am reading some dua or quran. I feel awkward with his arrival and wonder why my parents would invite him. The door bell goes and I can hear voices I stay sat trying to finish the section I am reading. However it is not my ex husbands brother who arrives it is 2 other men who I have never seen before. They are from Pakistan and are dark skinned wearing overgrown blue jackets. I quickly go in to the kitchen. While there I realise I have eaten 2-3 pistachio nuts and may have broken my fast. I ask mum who the men are. It feels like my mum is looking at them as potential marriage proposal for me. I am very negative in my mind about it but do not say anything.

A: May Allah Ta'ala bless you in your Deen and dunya.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
