
Q: I saw a dream before fajar today. I open my washroom and saw something weird, so I closed the door fearing that it's a snake. Then my mom comes and opens the washroom again and I am telling her there is snake inside. When she opens the door the snake has turned into an iguana. One small female and one large male and they are attached back to back (i.e. they were mating). My dad comes and separates them and is very exited to see them and starts playing with them saying they are friendly. I have this dirty feeling for them that they have come out of of the washroom so they are not clean and then my papa puts them in our tairus. My husband come back and sees them. He doesn't react so much just watches them and those iguanas are acting so loving like puppies running to us. My husband goes inside and says its not good for kids they can attack any time. And then I woke up.

A: Avoid gadgets and entertainment that can be harmful to you or your children though they may seem to be very innocent.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
