
Q: Can mufti saheb please interpret these two dreams for me

A) This morning after fajr I went to sleep and had this very strange dream. I dreamt first I was swimming in this huge mass of water, I think it was the ocean, and I can't remember if I was drowning and then couple other situations in the same dream, still with water. But one I remember was working in this dirty water, I think I was trying to clean it but it was very dirty.

B) If a woman who in reality has long hair, but in her dream she has short hair and she is not looking happy, what does that mean?

A: 1. Be punctual on your five daily Salaah and remain in pious company. Refrain from all things that are doubtful (e.g. cellphone, internet, TV, company, literature, etc). Dirty water translates as doubtful company or doubtful actions.

2. Make dua for her.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
