
Q: I had a dream before my fajar salaah I am in a clothes shop looking around, I go to the jewellery area there is a man with his son looking he sees something he likes and goes to ask his wife if she wants it. I look at what jewellery they have, most is silver I try on a ring which is very large in design and size as it does not fit me so I leave it. I then look at the clothes most of them are long dresses which are very modest the colours are bright (I remember yellow, blue, pink) I see a pink dress which is reasonably priced and I like the design. I think I will look around and then maybe come back for it. I do not like anything else and think I will buy the pink dress. I go back to where I saw it and can not find it. I go to another place where I have seen it and can not see it there either. I then ask one of the workers at the shop she says they only had one left so if it's gone it gone. I remember there was a large Hindu family buying lots of clothes and think they must have brought it. I then change to a few days weeks later and I get a phone call saying that the dress is back in stock the person who brought it didn't like it so they gave it back after a week. I see a picture of the woman who brought it back with the dress on and it confirms that it was the Hindu family who brought it. I wonder if I want the dress now as it maybe dirty as I don't know how much she may have warn it. I think I decided against buying the dress but I can not remember as I wake up at this point.

A: Be punctual on your five daily Salaah and observe strict purda from all na mahrams. Ensure that you do not compromise in your Deeni values and principles at any time.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
