
Q: I slept after tuhajad and fajar and had the following dream. Please can you guide me to its meaning. I am in my parents old house and I am on the phone to a man trying to fix the tv. It seems he is trying to say to me that The TV is broken and give me instructions in buying a new one but the phone line is really bad and I can not hear him properly. In the same room is another man he is fixing something else for my dad. I get of the phone and I ask the man about the TV I was thinking of and say do you think we could fix it on the wall, he says yes that will be easy. I then go In to The kitchen as I have a gathering of sisters at my house (in real life these sisters are sisters I recently stayed with at an Islamic halaqa) it is as if an Islamic gathering is happening at my house and I need to arrange for the sisters breakfasts. I ask my sister in law to help me, two of the other sisters come I try to help me I tell them To go down stairs as they helped a lot last time and now it's my turn. Along with my sister in law 2 family friends also help out. I look by the cooker and my sister in law has already put some Eggs in a pan and water to boil, I have some long soft pieces of bread rolls (which I think are slightly sweet), I go to boil some milk, the first pan I take out to put the milk in is broken so I take another and wonder if it will be big enough. I also open a cupboard and and their are lot of red boxes of Indian sweets stacked up in the cupboard. Some are open and some are not. I take 2 of the open ones to take to the sisters one has jelebi in it (a orange fried batter which is then covered with sweet syrup). The other box has barfi in it (a sweet dish made from milk powder and sugar). Their is my friends cat walking through the kitchen I stroke it and then it goes to eat its food. One of the sister from the last halaqa arrives in the kitchen she is in her early 40s and unmarried it is as if in the dream I understand that she has met someone to marry and I am very happy.

A: You should endeavour to acquire the spirit of the Sunnah in all actions. Any type of association which is not in keeping to the Sunnah should be terminated as it will ultimately cause one to drift from the straight path and cause one to compromise in one's Deeni values and obligations.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
