
Q: My husband is working on a ship and he saw the following dream. He was walking with my nephew and he saw a body lying down as he went close to the body the body came in to life and said I am Esa (Alayhis Salaam) and time is over for this world to end and his mission to bring peace in the world. My husband spoke to him the he faced his finger towards the sky and there came a glow of light and suddenly his face changed and he left for his mission. Then my husband took my nephew and went on telling everyone that now the time to bring Imaan is over and qiyaamat is coming and he suddenly woke up.

A: The meaning of the dream is that in these times of fithna and fasaad, unnecessarily one should not associate with the kuffaar as there is fear that one will be influenced towards their ways and culture. One should constantly be concerned of preserving one's Deeni values and safeguarding oneself from sin.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
