Q: I suffer from severe OCD. I constantly think I am napaak and worry about my prayer not being accepted due to it. So I'm constantly changing my clothes and doing ghusal. I know that normal vaginal discharge only breaks wudhu and that you only have to do ghusl if you have intercourse, wet dream, or orgasm. But sometimes I get very confused. Sometimes I will randomly feel tingling and feel some discharge and will be confused as to whether or not I have to perform ghusal because I don't think it was an orgasm because I didn't feel weak after, or fulfilled, or pleasure or anything like that. It just happens and I get very scared because I think I will have to do ghusal again because this happens frequently and at random times I can't control. Please help me. I am constantly obsessing over this. In this case do I need to perform ghusl or just wudu?
A: Refer to http://muftionline.co.za/node/2598
And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
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