Sighting of the moon

Fasting and making Eid according to the region you are in

Q: I live in one region and work at another. Most of the time it happens, that the first day of Ramadhan/Eid in both regions differs. Like, the region of my home has the first day of Ramadhan and Eid one day before the region of my work. I am always at my work region at the start of Ramadhan and for Eid I always go to my home region. By doing so I usually end up having one day less of Ramadhan (one less roza) 28 Days of Ramadhan instead of 29.

Please advise how should I proceed with this. Should I start Ramadhan with my home region even while I'm in my work region although all the other people are not having Ramadhan there? Or Should I fulfill that one day of Ramadhan after the Eid in my home region?

Sighting of the moon

Q: Why different scholars of India are of the opinion that the moon is not sighted in our country (India) when Saudia and many Islamic countries declare that the moon has been sighted for the celebration of eid. Moreover, some scholars of India celebrate eid upon announcement from Saudia? Is it a good practice?

Following the moon sighting of one's area

Q: Every year there come witnesses from people that they have seen the moon but the hilal committee dont take witnesses and says we can fast only if they will see moon. So as the system of moon sighting is not correct and also some people in society fast with nearby country. I live in Pakistan and people fast with Saudi Arabia. So can I fast with nearby country that is Saudi or any other country?

Moon sighting

Q: How this moon sighting thing works in different countries? Why eid is celebrated on different days by different people of country? The Hadith says not to fast on the day of eid.. Please clarify.

Qadhi announcing Eid

Q: If a person is going on jamaat to an Arab country for ramadan and eid, and in that country they use scientific methods to determine the date of eid without actually seeing the moon, should one celebrate eid with them? If not, should one look for the moon and if not seen, fast on their eid and celebrate eid the next day?

Celebrating Eid on different days

Q: In Australia, on two different days Eid was celebrated. Three groups of people celebrated Eid on Monday. They had the following three different point of views, They said because

1. Its already calculate by Ulama and the calendar is made.

2. Imam in the masjid near our house announced that its Eid on Monday. Although it was announced three days before night of 1st Shawwaal.

3. One group of people say, we knew on 29th of Ramadhaan that the new moon wasn't sighted but we checked different ahadith, and discussed with our friends, did some nawafil of tobah, we made dua and we decided that we will follow a masjid which is doing Eid early. Although they had three masjid near their house and two of them (one close to their house and one quite far did Eid on Monday ) and the third masjid, did Eid after sighting the moon on Tuesday.

4: This group of people, they celebrated Eid on Tuesday after receiving information from Australia moonsighting committee (

Question 1: Who is right out of these groups?

Question 2: While some were fasting on Monday, those who are fasting, are they doing sin by keeping fast or those who are celebrating, are getting blessings of Eid.

Question 3: One of us is wrong now. What should we day? Should we tell those who are doing wrong to stop this practise or should we be happy with all groups just to try to please everyone.

Question 4: Those groups who are dong eid on different days , can fasting people wish eid Mubarak to those who are not fasting and having eid. Please answer my all question, please. JazakAllah

When to Sight the Moon?

Q: We have a muslim business manager who has decided that Sunday will be Eid. Since when has Allah given this man the authority to decide that Ramadhaan will only be 29 days? We have now been told that we cannot put in leave for Monday we must wait until friday. So I said but they will only do the moonsighting on Saturday and not Friday as Saturday is the 29 day of ramadhaan. 

Sighting the Moon of Eid

Q: Today is the 29th of Ramadhaan. It is waajib for a party to observe the sky for the visibility of the moon according to all schools of thought.  Now it is said by astronomical scientists that tonight it is not possible to see it. Do we go and look for the moon in accordance with the teachings of the Sunnah or abandon this Sunnah? Now suppose a group of 2,3,4,5, of reliable, good Muslims come from the village and they testify that they have seen the moon, tonight what do you do?

Sighting the Moon for Eid

Q: We here in the Western Cape are split on the issue regarding the sighting of the moon for Eid. My wife and her family have Eid with Makkah and my family and I celebrate it with the local sighting of the moon.
My wife’s father is adamant that what I’m following is the wrong thing, I wish not to argue with him because the knowledge that I have regarding this issue is unfortunately very limited. Please enlighten me on this issue.