Sehri and Iftaar

Doubted whether one ate after sehri time ended


1. I am making up the fasts that I missed in Ramadhaan. Today fajr began at 5:52am but I mistakenly assumed it was 5:56am and I can’t remember if I ingested anything intentionally/unintentionally between that time. Can I assume my fast is valid?

2. On another day whilst making up my fasts I was unwell and had a sore throat and was coughing quite harshly. In my head I thought if I vomit or if something comes out whilst coughing then I will be ok with that. Nothing came out after coughing. Is my fast spoiled because of this thought?

Making fardh ghusal after sehri

Q: As the month of Ramadhaan approaches, I would like to ask the following:

1. If a person goes to sleep and upon waking up for sehri, he notices he is in need for a compulsory ghusal due to a dream he had. Can that person eat sehri, START HIS FAST and thereafter have a ghusal before fajr?

2. Or should he have a ghusal before sehri? (What if there is a fear of missing sehri?)

3. If a person does have a ghusal AFTER sehri before fajr, ONCE HE STARTED HIS FAST, will his fast be accepted/valid?

The masnoon dua of iftaar

Q: When should the following masnoon dua of iftaar be recited. Should it be read before one opens his fast or after one opens his fast?

اللَّهُمَّ لَكَ صُمْتُ وَعَلَى رِزْقِكَ أَفْطَرْتُ فَتَقَبَّلْ مِنِّي إِنَّكَ أَنْتَ السَّمِيعُ الْعَلِيم

Following Saudi Arabia times when fasting

Q: My question is regarding the upcoming Ramadhaan.

I am a young married man of 33 years. I have no disease, Alhamdulillah, no limitations that I can postpone or quit my fast. I have been fasting for many years also. I have lived and experienced some normal 9 to 15 hours fast in Pakistan maximum and then in Dubai for 3 years with the same timings of fast. Now I have moved to Oslo, Norway. This Ramaadan will be my first here In Sha Allah.

As you know, Norway is among the country where sunrise and sunset is very long. This would be almost a 21 hour fast, which I feel is too long and the time for iftaar and sehri is too short, that I cannot make or feel the pleasure of iftaar, sehri and Taraweeh. In Oslo, iftaar will be around 11.30 pm and sehri will be at 2.00 am.

I feel that we must give proper time to iftaar and sehri as the fasting body needs it. I am thinking of fasting according to Saudia or a country nearby with normal time hours of fast. Can a person do this? Is there any Fatwa for this? As I do not know any other doing like this here in Oslo or not... and I am also thinking of offering Isha and Taraweeh at normal hours, which would be normal Asar or other time of Salah time here in Oslo in the Month of Ramadhaan.