
Secretly practising Islam

Q: I have accepted Islam by saying the shahadah only. I want to practice Islam completely but I am not able to get in it because my family is against Islam very strictly. If I tell them about it, they will not think twice about killing me. I am not scared of dying, my fear is about this that I have not been able to perform salah and I am unable to do such things which are farz for a Muslim. If I died like this, then Allah will punish me alot, this is the reason, I fear death. I tried to explain to my household that they should abandon idol worship, but they became very angry and I did not tell them further about Islam. I am trying to change them for the last 1 year but nothing has happened till now and I have to go to the temples even though I don't want to go with them to do some Hindu rituals. I have some questions for you:

1. Is it justified to leave the house because of this condition for me?

2. I have heard that any person who says "Subhna Allahu wa Bihamdihi" 100 times a day, all his sins will be forgiven?

3. If I die here accidently, before leaving my family, without completely getting in to Islam, will Allah forgive me?

4. According to you, what should I do at this point in my life?

You are welcome if you want to give me more advices regarding to my life. 

Practising Islam secretly

Q: I live in Paris. I am contacting you for a serious case about a person who wants to convert to Islam. The person who converted to Islam is stuck because of his parents. He can not separate from his parents but he wants to convert and practice Islam, at the same time he is afraid of his parents.

Dreaming of one's husband being uncovered


1. I had a dream my husband was naked or was uncovering and in the dream I was telling him what you doing? Please cover up. Please explain what this means.

2. I have been previously married and got a divorce as my husbands character wasn't good. Now I'm married for the second time. I found out my husband had lied to me about his age and married me. He is from back home. I did istikara to know whether he truly loves me and if I should bring him to UK. In my dream I saw I have two husbands. My first husbands face resembled the second husband I married in real life and second husband is an English man. In the dream the second husband talks nicely to me and also wants offspring. In my dream I'm confused whether I should have his baby or not because I have two husbands. Then one person in dream says well your second husband talks nicely etc, you should have a baby because the first one isn't good to you. Please explain what this means.

Divulging a business secret

Q: I was talking to a friend of mine and I accidently talked about the preparation method of one of my parents businesses which was a chain store for smoothies. If I broke some kind of confidentiality agreement, do I have to ask for forgiveness? The thought crossed my mind but I for some reason kept going with the discussion not knowing if there was one.