
Dreaming of a snake in one's mouth

Q: Could you please give me the tabeer of my dream. I saw that there was a snake inside my mouth. I was trying to take him out safely without getting hurt but when I was pulling him out he bit me. I managed to pulled him out. I threw the snake away. I was feeling pain and blood was coming out of my mouth and I was thinking that now this poision will kill me.

Exercising caution with regards to the use of the tongue

Q: Recently I had a dream wherein I was at a musjid and my uncle, who is an Aalim, placed a weed/zol in his mouth. He showed everyone this as if it was something good. Thereafter I took it and I placed it in my mouth and some of the crushed weed inside came into my mouth, filling it. I then proceeded towards the door of the musjid. This dream was before awakening for fajr, around tahajjud time. Please interpret it for me.