Factors that break and don't break the fast

Masturbation whilst Fasting


  1. Does masturbation nullify the fast?

  2. If it does nullify the fast, does this person have to stay without eating and drinking for the rest of the day?

  3. When he takes ghusl, will he just rinse his mouth and nose or will he gargle his mouth properly and put water properly in his nose?

Woman Bleeding Whilst Fasting

Q: I had a period of 7 days. I was bleeding on my 7th day but bleeding stopped by sehri of the 8th day. I took ghusal and started fasting but during the day, I bled little bit. I performed wudhu, cleaned my private place, kept roza, and read namaaz. Please explain to me if my roza broke or not? Do I have to take a shower again?