
Complexion of the people of Jannah

Q: I was wondering about Jannah. In an earlier question, you said that, while people's age will remain the same, their appearances will vary. However, in another question, you said that the people of paradise will be fair in complexion. Based on this, I was wondering, while people's appearance will change, will their complexion remain fair due to it being the height of beauty according to the ulama?

Are the description of Jannah literal?

Q: It is all metaphorical and allegorical. Ibnu Abbas, the cousin of Prophet Muhammad (Sallahu Alayhi Wasallam) and one of the foremost authority on Quranic exegesis, said: "Nothing in Paradise resembles anything in the life of this world, except in name.''

In another narration, Ibn Abbas said, "Only the names are similar between what is in this life and what is in Paradise.''

What does this statement mean exactly? Does this mean that the descriptions of paradise are not meant to be taken literally and are simply metaphors?

Complexion of the people of Jannah

Q: Certain descriptions in terms of beauty say that the people of paradise will be white coloured/fair in complexion along with hairless, beardless, and thirty three years old. Also, the hoors are described as being white complexion as well, like pearls. First, I am not saying it is racist because that would be moronic as anyone can go to heaven, but with this, I just kind of wonder, why does a universal deity follow one beauty standard as I heard white complexion was the favoured complexion among the Arabs.

Striving for Jannah

Q: I wanted to ask what is the way that I could get my dua answered 100 percent. I have my o level results in a few days and have prayed since my last exam for a result with nothing below an A and a few A stars InshaAllah! I want this dua really to be fulfiled and I think I had put as much effort as I could during preparation. I request you sir to pray for me and that Allah makes what I want better for me. Please tell me a way to make my dying wish come true.