Factors that allow one to invalidate the fast

Breastfeeding while fasting

Q: I would be grateful if Mufti Saheb could advise me on what is best course of action with regards to my situation as follows:

Ramadhan is just around the corner. I have a 9 month old baby who is breastfeeding and two other children. The fasting days, will be very long, as I live in the UK. What should I do in this situation?

  1. Should I carry on breastfeeding while I observe the fasts?
  2. Or should I wean my baby off so then I may be able to fast bearing in mind that she's hardly one year old in age?
  3. Or do I continue breastfeeding but do not observe fast and make up the fasting days immediately after Ramadhan?
  4. Or should I teach her to drink from the bottle, drinking my milk, and observe the fasts?

Please advise accordingly.  Also, I am a Shafi'ee.

Not fasting due to an Ulcer

Q: I have an ulcer and what happens is that if I do not eat than I get sever pains which is really bad times. The doctor advised me to eat quite often and not let my tummy go empty. I find it hard to disobey the command of Allah Ta'ala and I love fasting so much! Can I just carry on fasting?