reciting behind the imaam

Reciting behind the Imaam

Q: What is the correct way to pray the Salats of Zuhr and Asr behind the Imam? Also, please, explain what is the correct way to perform the third Rak'ah of Maghrib and third and fourth Rak'ah of Isha behind the imam. Should a Muqtadi (person praying Jamaat behind Imam) recite Fatiha and Surah in the first two Rak'ahs of Asr and Zuhr and then recite Fatiha only in the last two Rak'ahs of Zuhr and Asr? Also should the Muqtadi recite Fatiha in the third Rak'ah of Maghrib and in third and fourth Rak'ah of Isha or should he stay quite? You I have to read inni and sana before surah fatiha in jamaat and in sunnat prayers shall I recite inni and sana? While performing prayer alone of maghrib what to recite in the third rakat?

Qiraat in Salaah

Q: I got two questions;

1. Do we need to recite anything while praying behind an Imam? Is it compulsory to read a surah?

2 When we reciting fathiha or a surah in a prayer, what if we do a mistake and we realize it at the moment, what shall we do? Example 01- When we reciting surah al naas and after recitng half we random come up with another verse of another surah like surah al quraysh. Example 02, when we reciting surah al nas half and what if we cant remember the other half ? Can we skip the surah?