
Walking in front of the person performing Salaah


1. If a person walks directly in front of you, within a arms reach, in a masjid kabeer, should you restart the Salaah?

2. What about a small masjid?

3. Will the ruling change if the person was walking from in front, stepped directly onto your sajdah spot, walked towards you then pushed through touching your shoulders, but technically didn't cross in front from one side to the other?


Q: Your answer below refers:

A Musjid-e-kabeer is a Musjid which is 334,451 square metres or more.

Question : Will the musjid still be considered Musjid -e-Kabeer if the total musjid area is example 400 square meters, however spread out over four floors of 100 square meters each floor.

Is the Isipingo Beach Musjid a Musjid-e-kabeer?

Q: Isipingo Beach Jaami' Musjid has the following measurements. Please advise if it is a Musjid-ul-Kabir or Musjid-us-Saghir.

1. 369,93 square metres. This includes the Musjid and the Sahen area. It excludes the gallery upstairs and it excludes the wudhu khana which is designated as Musjid area.

2. 295,14 square metres. This is the musjid area only. It excludes the sahen, the gallery upstairs and the wudhu khana designated as musjid area.