Qadha and Kaffara

Fasting qadha fasts in Shawwaal

Q: I missed two days of fasting in Ramadhaan due to menstruation and I have missed 15 days of fasting from the previous Ramadhaans. In order to obtain the reward of fasting six days in Shawwal, must I make up all 17 fasts first or only two?

In addition to this I forgot to keep the intention for some of the fasts of Ramadhaan, must I make an estimate and make up these fasts? If yes then should I do this also before fasting the six days of Shawwal?

Missing one day of kaffaarah fast due to traveling

Q: I broke a fast in Ramadhaan due to intercourse. I am making it up by fasting 60 days. I haven't finished it yet, with the menstrual cycles in between, I have only fasted 40 days so far. I have to go on a 1 day trip regarding one of my degree courses. I will travel from the morning, visit a site then travel back the same day during the day around or close to maghrib. Can I not fast this day and then continue towards my 60 day goal (reason: travel)? Or what is the ruling towards it?

Kaffaarah for having intercourse with one's wife while fasting in the month of Ramadhaan

Q: I have a kaffarah for breaking a fast due to intimacy during time of fast. May allah forgive me.

Do I have to fast for 60 consecutive days or can I feed 60 individuals?

Also, if I have to fast should I do it with no delays after Ramadhaan? My issue is that I'm waiting for a doctors appointment which I have delayed already. The appointment for endoscopy will consist of taking medicine before hand and then I will go under general anesthetic. My concern is if I have to fast and I get an appointment from the doctors, I will not be able to keep the 60 consecutive fasts.

Therefore do I start and have a break for 2 days then continue? 

Kaffaarah for having intercourse with one's wife while fasting in the month of Ramadhaan

Q: About 8 years ago, I had sexual intercourse with my wife while fasting in the month of Ramadaan. I didn't know that time if this was a violation or haraam or if there is any kaffara that needs to be paid. Later I have realized that I might've made a mistake or committed a sin. So I would like to ask what shall I do now? Is there any kaffara that needs to be paid r just ask forgiveness from Allah?

Qadha for fasts that were broken due to masturbating


1. Prior to 1 year earlier, I did not know that masturbation breaks the fast and I used to do it in the state of fasting. Do I still have to make qada even if I did not know it at that time?

2. If yes, how should I calculate how many fasts I should make qada for? I am not sure how many of my fasts were broken like this. How many qadas should I make if I did not know this for 5-6 years after becoming baligh?

3. Should I make qada for all the fasts for the past 5-6 years or is there a specific number I can keep to make it alright?

4. Am I obligated to keep all the qada fasts together or can I keep them once or twice a week?