
Refraining from Gheebat

Q: It was maghrib time and azaan was calling and I don't know who was calling the azaan but I had some thought going through my head about this person, someone was talking about him the other day and was saying he is (addar magaj) thats in gujrati. I don't no exact meaning in English but something about brain. He does what he wants to do. Whatever is in his head, he does what ever he wishes to do. Alhumdulillah, he is a very pious person. So azaan was calling and I dont know if he was doing azaan because he does sometimes azaan now in my mind comes his name and that he is (addar magaj ) and azaan was calling, is it kufr? I didnt say it with mouth. I wont call him so I dont really like to listen to things about people but I am worried if it is kufr. Is my nikah valid? Im not sure who was giving azaan. If it was him and that comes in my mind, is my nikah valid? I repeated the kalimah as well. I didnt say it with my mouth but now Im not sure if I said it with my mouth. Im mostly sure I didnt say it with mouth. Is my nikah valid? Is it kufr?