second jamaat

Second jamaat in the musjid

Q: If due to rain in certain parts of the world, Maghrib and Isha’ are prayed together in the masjid. Would it be permissible for Hanafis to conduct a second congregational Isha’ prayer in that masjid, because it is forbidden to conduct second congregation prayer in a masjid?

Making a second jamaat in the Musjid

Q: If a group of people, who are not musaafirs, come late to the musjid after the first Jamaat is over, will it be better for each person to perform his Salaah individually or for them to make a second jamaat? Will the same ruling apply if they perform their Salaah in the sehn of the musjid? (i.e. will it be better for each person to perform his Salaah individually or for them to make a second jamaat in the sehn?)