Qadha and Kaffara

Masturbating while fasting


1. When i was a young unmarried girl, I used to masturbate reaching orgasm using water on my clitoris. At that time I did not know that ghusal had to be taken and usually just had a normal bath (not fulfilling the fardh of ghusul). What is the condition of all my fast and salaah for those years?

2 When I got married, I remember my husband made me reach orgasm through clitoral stimulation while I was fasting in the month of Ramadaan. I was immature and naive and unfortunately not aware of the mas'ala. Years have passed but it keeps troubling me as to what is the conditon of all my salaah and my Ramadaan fast. Please advise

Kaffarah for breaking the fast of Ramadhaan

Q: I am a 26 years old unmarried Muslim man. In 2010 during the month of Ramadhaan, I had done serious foreplay activities with my past non Muslim girlfriend while I was fasting, and this happened many times which I don't exactly remember (probably 3 times).

Afterwards I regretted and for Kaffarah, I gave money (equivalent to feeding 180 people for breaking 3 fasts as per my calculation) to a mosque imaam who said that he would give that to an old and needy lady for her daughter's marriage.

Afterwards I got to know that first of all I have to fast for 60 days continuously. Even after this, I couldn't stop myself from sinning.

During Ramadhaan of 2017, I made several online foreign Muslim girlfriends (on facebook) and did obscene and nude video calls with them while fasting which also might have spoiled my fasts. After this, I did not offer a second kaffarah.

Now I deeply regret all of it and I'm very depressed. My family is now searching for pious Muslim woman for my marriage but I feel that I'm not sufficiently good. As I am working in a multinational company, it is difficult to fast continuously for 60 days without a break. I have good health but don't have the courage to do it (also because there are several lunch programs with colleagues and clients and it's difficult to refuse everytime).

Please give me the solution for this. If the first kaffarah (which I have already done as written above) is not accepted and I don't fast for 60 continuous days now, will I enter into kufr?

Starting kaffaarah fasts at the beginning of an Islamic month

Q: I have a question regarding kaffarah for accidentally killing someone. I read a recent post of yours saying that you have to fast for two months consecutively.

My question is, does one start fasting from the first of the month (so, assuming we follow the hijri calendar, fasting could be for 58-60 days if there are 29/30 days in the month) or can one start anytime and fast for 60 days?

Qadha for missed fasts

Q: If I have not kept many fasts without any valid reason in my childhood, when I became baligh how do I fulfill it? Do I have to make kaffara? What is the kaffara and what if the amount of fasts is so many and I don't remember?