
Website theme

Q: I do not have sufficient money to buy a website theme, so I have decided to get it free instead of paying money. But before I do so, I know that stealing rights of software without permission is haram, so I got a new question. Is it permissible to get the website theme free (without asking for permission) and then make money from it and then pay to the owner the cost of the theme?

Dreaming of one's teacher

Q: I had a dream wherein I saw my teacher and a few students and we were in a place with a tall house, and my teacher and I were sitting at a computer and I was showing him an Islamic website, which I run. Thereafter he smiled and I don't remember the rest of the dream.

Stack exchange website

Q: While searching for a few Islamic questions I had I ran into the following "Islamic" website: Where people can post question and answers. A few information in regards to this website:

- This website is owned by the StackExchange network, whose CEO (and founder) is Joel Spolsky.

- He is An Israeli/American Jew who is openly Homosexual (Gay):

- Anyone can give fatwa on the website, registration is free and you can add any answer you like even if it goes against the teachings of Islam.

- Website is Pro Gay, even in the answering of Questions in that regards.

The above wouldn't really be an issue to me, however, the website tend to spread too much false information like:

It is ok to be a homosexual as long as you don't practice it:…

Sexual acts that aren't penetration are not zina:…

Hijab is not mandatory:

Music is Halal:

The list goes on an on. I think this website was made to deter Muslims from the true message of Islam, however, I am not sure how I can spread the word
about it if I am right. My question is:

If this website is indeed bad. What is the job of websites (like yourself) of dissipating such propaganda and alerting Muslims to be beware of such website (which is the first of its kind).