
Different sects

Q: What are all the Muslim sects that are not Sunni or Shia? (Not every single group from within each sect but all the sects of Islam that every Muslim group falls into i.e Sunni and Shia.)

The khawaarij

Q: In the details of the differences between Hazrat Ali (Radiyallahu Anhu) and Hazrat Muaawiyah (Radiyallahu Anhu) our opinon is that there was a ijtihadi difference. Hence whoever was right they will receive two rewards and the one in the wrong will receive a single fold reward. The query is why are the Muhakimiyyah/Khawaarij not afforded this choice, but rather they are branded as total outcasts, though not kafirs. I'd really appreciate your guidance in this matter.

The Khawaarij

Q: Can you please inform me what group exactly is the "khawaarij" and who are they? What are their characteristics? Do they still exist today? What is the definition of khawaarij? And I heard many people saying that the group Isil falls under the khawaarij. Is this true?