

Q: My father passed away leaving behind: 5 Daughters 2 Sons and 1 late Son (with 2 children). On the day that my father passed away, he said to my brother in law: "If I die today then the Big Shop is for my eldest son, The small shop is for my other son, And my own house is for my grandsons, The other 5 shops are one for each of my daughters." What does Shariyah Law say about the distribution of the heritance in this case? What is valid? Shariyah or Wassiyah?


Q: Before mother passed away 4 weeks before in good health, one daughter has a conversation with mother "mum take your gold in the grave. Mum says what do you mean? I mean give it all in charity. Mum says I don't know. Mum you can make your niyaat. Mum says ok i'll do talk about something. Does this niyaat count now she has passed away nothing written down but sister is adamant to give in charity and the other sister wants to keep her mums gold.



1. My mother gave me her gold bangles before she passed away and instructed me to use them to build/support a masjid I had them for a while but unfortunately we had a burglary in our hose and almost everything valuable ( I had no insurance on them ) now what is my position on fulfilling my duty/debt on this please? I have not a lot/full value in cash to carry out the responsibility I was trusted to fulfil.

2. My fathers wealth. We were four brothers one passed away a long time ago 35 years and he left a daughter who at time was only three years old my family decided to get her mother to marry my v young brother to her mother who is still married to her and has three of his own children + one niece/daughter whom he brought up v well and is now married has family of her own point is my father did not leave a written will (common in our culture) but had expressed his will/opinion i.e. she (my late brother daughter+her mother are now) are now my younger brother family etc so my both parents (both passed away recently) intention will understanding was same that the wealth would be divided in three alive brothers but again common thing in our culture/fam my uncle being elder has different ideas as my younger bro wife is also his sister in law (uncles) and is v v close to him so he saying it should be divided in four in favour of his sister in law complication comes as some of our father wealth is mutual with uncle ie before my parents passed away we swapped some properties mutually with my uncle but never transferred registered them to any ones names they remained on my father and uncle names but since then my uncle has sold his entire wealth that he got from us/my father in swap but still has our share which is on his name but wont transfer it to us unless we do it to by his will ie divide by four. What is the shariah law in this situation?

Making a bequest for zakaat to be discharged and interest to be disposed off

Q: In the last will and testament of the deceased, it is instructed that the whole balance on one of the bank accounts of the deceased be deemed undischarged Zakaat and the whole balance on another bank account be deemed interest received and the two balances be disposed with in accordance with Shariah. Would the deceased’s instructions be tantamount to a bequest and consequently can only be limited to one-third of the gross value of the estate and, if so, what, if the total of the two balances and other bequests made exceed one-third? Please clarify.

Making a bequest for an heir

Q: I have been adopted by my maternal aunt as my mother died seven days after my birth. I inherited property (first order inheritance) and nothing from my own father side. Now that I am married and have two daughters elder one being married and younger one still studying. Can I make a will for the distribution of this property between my wife and the two daughters after my death?