
Cleaning urine drops from a shoe and one's feet


1. How to make a shoe paak which has urine drops? I put water over it three times. I am not finding anywhere how to make a shoe paak

2. If I wash a chicken for cooking and its blood flows in the wash sink, does it make the wash basin napaak? Also, is it necessary to make a cloth paak if the blood of that chicken sticks on it?

3. If someone gets urine drops on feet and then wash it with soap and pour water on feet twice or thrice, is it sufficient or is there any other way to get it paak? Can the same method of washing be applied if someone gets urine on any other part of the body?

Napaak jaga ku dhowna

Q: Agar koi shakhs najasat ke haalt me ho chahe wo ihtilaam ya musht zani ki wajh se ho aur us ne napaak kapra pehna ho is haalat me us se paseena aaye ya kapre par paani ghir jaaye kya wo shakhs poore kapre ko dole jo paseena ya paani ki wajh se tar huwa he ya sirf wo napaak jaga jaha pe maani laga huwa he?

Fertilizer getting stuck under one's shoes


1. I live in a complex and the gardeners have over the weekend put fertilizer on the grass. I am not sure what fertiliser it is but I do know that some fertilisers contain animal faeces. With everyone walking all over the complex the fertiliser is now on the floor on many of the passages and common areas. I have tried my best not to walk on it but am not certain if I have been successful. Please can you let me know the following:

a. If I have stepped on it does it make my shoes and everywhere I subsequently walked (e.g. in my home and car) napaak?
b. Can my kids still paly and walk on the grass, given that the fertiliser has been put on or will it make their shoes and clothes napaak?

2. I sometimes leak urine, therefore I wear a sanitary pad so not to make my clothes napaak, when I sit somewhere for a long period of time or sleep, I perspire. I am therefore concerned that given that urine is on the sanitary pad when I perspire between my legs this is making my bedding or the chair that I am sitting on napaak. Please can you let me know if this in fact the case and whether I have to clean these items every time this happens?

Lizard, cockroach, mouse touching utensils and clothing


1. Today I found a lizard in the utensils cupboard and in trying to kill it, it hid inside the cupboard and traveled from one to another. I did not know where it went, so I took out all utensils. Still I did not find it. I washed all utensils of all the cupboards by pouring water once. It took around 3 to 4 hours in doing all the effort. I am not worried that if I place the utensils again and i find it again, do I have to wash all the utensils again? It was really so hectic. Is lizard najis?

2. A cockraoch ran over my leg in the washroom. I poured water over there three times. Had I become paak? I read in an islamic website that a cockraoch in the washroom is napaak. Is it true?

3. Last year a mouse used to come from Indian toilet and roam around the washroom. We somehow managed to get rid of them. But once a shirt piece of my suit fell down over the washroom floor place where it used to come every night. I washed it many times but I don't feel like wearing it as I feel that the mouse used to come from such a dirty place with traces of dirty water from the flush and my cloth fell down on the floor. Am I doing right by not wearing it?

Washing the body for a second time in ghusal


1. For ghusal there is the condition of washing your whole body. I want to ask that if one is in the shower or using a bucket to take ghusal, is it necessaray that every time new drops reach the other part. I mean that if I am taking a bath under a shower and washing my head or chest then the water flows from my head to my chest or legs and my legs get wet automatically. So is it necessary for me to wash my legs again?

2. Is it necessary to remove any impurity before taking ghusal? I mean, if I wash the najasah from my body, does that part need to be washed again for the purpose of ghusal?

How many times should one wash impurity off one's hands?

Q: I want to ask that if one's hands are very dirty e.g. if urine drops can be seen on one's hands then how many times should the hands be washed. Beyond that limit of washing, will it be a sin. I'm asking this because I'm getting mad day by day as I wash my hands for 20 to 25 times with soap, so it very irritatating to wash so many times as I'm not getting satisfied that my hands are now clean.

Urine incontinence in ihraam

Q: I'm going for Hajj this year Insha Allah. I have a problem of urine drops leaking after urinating and this problem can stay for over an hour after passing urine. This problem has also affected me to perform Salaah sometimes since I feel I'm always unclean. Since I have planned for hajj, I am worried how I will stay in ihraam for such a long time with this problem? I want my my hajj to be accepted and want it to be perfect. Please advise what should I do since I am very worried.

Doubts regarding impurity

Q: My two questions are below:

1. When I shop at a butcher or other store I often find that even though the store is muslim owned they often have non-muslims helping to pack the bought stuff. On a few occasions I found that when they packing my stuff which is often frozen and therefore wet/moist they first lick their fingers to open the packet, therefore their hands have their saliva and then they touch my bought items which are wet. Does this then make my bought items napaak as I am not sure if their saliva is paak?

2. My aunt lives in a complex, near the entrance gate the floor is always wet as the cleaners sometimes clean the front area and also the residents throw the water they use to clean their homes out in the front. My aunt also mentioned to me that the sewage pipe is near the gate and it sometimes leaks. Therefore I never know the source of the wetness on the floor. When I visit and walk on this wet area (it is hard to avoid as the whole entrance is wet), I am not sure whether my shoes and everywhere I walk thereafter with my shoes are becoming napaak. Please can you advise what I should do in this situation?

Cleaning a soiled sofa

Q: My neice diaper leaked and i did not know... I allowed her to sit on the sofa and as soon as she sat, a spot appeared on the sofa, I asked her to get up and changed the diaper. As a precaution I wiped the place with surf and then with a wet cloth. The next day I cleaned the sofa by pouring water over the spot three times. Has it become paak because my mother offers prayers by sitting on that sofa thats why I am concerned? Plus the water reached on the lower part of the sofa which becomes a bed. Does that part become napaak as I read somewhere that if you clean something with a jug of water, the water which flows is napaak? Keeping in mind it was just a spot which did not go on the lower part of the sofa. Also explain for the future how to clean a sofa matress, etc. if a child urinates on it?