
Purchasing land on one's brother's name

Q: I purchased a land combined with my brother and my name with my money which he knows, later again I purchased a land in both names with my money which he does not know. Now if we sell both land combinedly signed then what is the ruling about sold money? According to Islamic law, is he entitled to get the share of sold money? If he is entitled to get, then he will get share of total land or the share of land part he knows ? It is mentioned that with the intention to live together in same city I purchased the land in both name but after he got married then he is no more interested to live here and living in separate city with his family.

Property not on owners name

Q: Aslam purchased a piece of land with his earning. Since he was not in the country, his father did all the legal procedures, so papers were filed in his father's name. When Aslam came to the country, the father had to transfer papers to Aslam's name. Unfortunately, the father passed away. Now will this land b considered as the father's property and would be distributed among the heirs, or will it be considered as Aslam's property?

Zakaat on free grazing animals

Q: If a person has animals that are grazing on his land without him feeding them himself, will they be zakatable even though they only graze on his privately owned land (which is fenced off)? The animals are only for breeding or milking. The animals referred to are cows. I know that there is zakat if they are freely grazing but I am unsure if they are counted as freely grazing if they are doing so on privately owned and fenced off land? If possible, could you please provide a reference to the answer?

Hajj for a woman without a mahram


1. In India, most of the ladies have a lot of gold with them, will it be fardh on them to do Hajj if their husbands or other mehrams don't have that much of money to go for hajj. In this case what needs to be done by a woman and her mehram?

2. Many people in India invest money in buying lands and buildings apart from living. So what is the ruling for them regarding Hajj. Since the land comes under exceptional category, what is the ruling make hajj obligatory on them?

Zakaat on land purchased with the intention of resale

Q: A person purchased land abroad with the intention to sell and make profit 8 years ago. The price of this land has risen, thought is stagnant at present. However due to a decline in foreign investors in the country the market for foreign companies purchasing land from individuals is at a standstill. Therefore being unable to sell this land for the foreseeable future would one be required to pay zakaat on this? If so, at what price? i.e market or purchase price?