
Wishing someone merry christmas

Q: If a Muslim wished someone merry christmas will he have become a kafir, because in modern times christmas is just another cultural money making thing and people do not know the reality of christmas that it is the celebrating of jesus birthday and therefore if a muslim said merry christmas at a time without realising at the time the consequence and value of what he was saying he merely just said it out of respect or he said it but out of regret then will he become a kafir at that point? Because a muslim could have said the words merry christmas but with regret in his heart, obviously one understands to not do such a thing again but will he have become kafir for saying this without truly meaning it ?

Eating turkey on Christmas day

Q: My question is about Christmas Day. On this day all of my family are off work. My brother comes from London to meet my parents and all the brothers and sisters get together. We usually have a meal at my parents house. This is the time when turkey is available in abundance. So this is usually what is cooked. It has been brought to our attention that we are copying the Chritian faith in doing so. However, for us it is a get together because apart from the 2 Eids this is the only time we are off work together. Your thoughts on this matter will be greatly appreciated.

Christmas food

Q: What is the ruling on eating Christmas food? If its haraam to take, then when we have been given, can I dispose of it or will Allah punnish me for been Al-mubazzir?

Emulating the kuffaar

Q: What does emulating the kuffaar mean? Is it only confined to clothing or does it also relate to other aspects of one's life? We see the kuffaar driving cars and eating and drinking in plates and cups and we Muslims also do the same. Is this not also emulating the kuffaar in our actions?